Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Not Even People

I use to wonder how people in America accepted the practice of slavery.  These people had left for religious freedom hadn't they?  They were "Good Christians" weren't they?  They were willing to fight the strongest army in the world to ensure freedom to the common man.  How does this love for freedom justify enslaving an entire group of people based on the color of their skin.

I'll tell you how.  They let slavery slip through their moral code because it was convenient.  They lied to themselves by creating a blind spot claiming the curse of Ham taught that the negro were not "real people."  If the negro is a sub-human, then it is the "real human's" job to take care of them.  They needed to feed and shelter them.  They needed to train and discipline them.  To breed and cull them.  Just as a sheep farmer culls the sick from their flocks, or the dog trainer house breaks the dog? Who would get mad at this?

The best lies help us feel better about the worst in us.  Those slave owners could go to church and listen to Christ's teachings "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me" and not feel guilty about the slaves they had, because those slaves weren't "real people."  As a country we wised up.  We stopped lying to ourselves.

Today it's common to think we can resolve our differences if we are just tolerant enough with each other.  If the north and south tried that slavery would never have been abolished.  Instead we had a civil war because some things are worth fighting for.

At least we don't have anything as obviously evil anymore.  We are much more enlightened and civilized in today's society.

I have a sister who is 7 years younger than me.  We were close growing up.  I had the front row seat to see her touch on the world.  As she grew and began interacting with those around her she had a special way of making everyone feel welcome and happy.  She sometimes had kids her age make fun of her, but her charm and compassion usually won them over.  Her smile with a simple hand placed on your arm or nod with that twinkle in her eyes seemed to melt even the coldest hearts.

She was mischievous.  From a young age she would try and sneak out usually take our little brother with her.  He was 3 years younger and always up for the adventure, even while still in diapers.  Our neighbors got to know very well when Emily was up to no good,

Before Emily was born my mom had troubles with her doctor.  Being so young I didn't pay much attention to the emotions, but I do remember a few events.  I remember seeing my mother crying and asking her why.  My mom tried to explain to me what it meant when the doctor suggested she abort her unborn fetus.  I was puzzled because the idea of abortion had never entered my mind.  How can you just take the baby out isn't that what you want to do anyways?  What do you mean you cut the baby up first wouldn't that kill it?  I remember thinking it was some sort of joke and no one would actually do that.  I think it was my father who told me later that the doctor actually told my mom "If you don't abort that baby you are a bad and irresponsible parent."  You see, my little sister Emily has  Down Syndrome.

I don't think my parents considered the doctors advice for a second.  There was no way they were going to kill their baby girl.  As a 7 year old I thought it was just a dumb doctor and couldn't really imagine someone doing that to a little baby.

Growing up I didn't think of that doctor much.  I now have my own kids.  The thought of that doctor infuriates and disgusts me.  I am grateful that my parents were fixed in their commitment to their children, and to my little sister Emily.

My heart breaks for those girls who aren't married and weren't expecting a baby, scared and looking at the life that grows inside of them as a "problem."  The thought of them being talked into abortion by a doctor, boyfriend or someone claiming to have their "best interest" in mind breaks my heart.

In that doctor's defense a fetus is not a "real person" until the fetus is viable right?  At that point it's just a clump of cells right?  After all it was my mom's body right?  If it's not planned for, then that baby could ruin the life of that girl right?

The best lies help us feel better about the worst in us.  The main argument for abortion "a fetus is not a real person" is the same argument used for slavery "A black person is not a real person."  Abortion is the slavery of our day.

I will fight those who promote abortion.  If you encourage and support abortion out of convenience, you are the slave holder of today, and you disgust me.  Some things are worth fighting for.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Written Word

Lately I have been going through the book "A Patriot's History of the United States" by Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen and they mentioned something interesting.

The government started incentivizing news papers.  They made it so cheap to transport newspapers that people could get ahold of a newspaper much easier than they could books.  This may seem like a little thing but the effect was much larger then you would think.

Historically the people who could read learned to read from great text.  They read The Bible.  They read Aristotle, Plato, and Shakespeare.  Anything that was read, had to be good quality otherwise no one would take the time to record, pass along and pay for it.

Newspapers were so cheap that for the first time people were learning to read without any sort of deeper foundation.  This gave incredible power to the news outlets who were heavily dependent on the US government for the provided incentives.

As I was thinking about this I thought of how twitter, though it is valid for any form of social media, is the natural evolution of this problem.  There are other steps between, but look at the state of our public discourse.  There are conversations where both parties are saying what they view as self evident truths but there is no common foundation to build from.

A common foundation of enlightenment principles built our society.  If we are unwilling to invest in learning about them through the bible, through great literature and philosophy then you are unequipped to propagating our culture and society to future generations.

If you don't know where to start, go to church.  Find a church who teaches from the bible directly.  Find a church that teaches you how to be a solid individual first, becoming better for yourself before you try to solve other's problems, or societies problems.  Faith in God is the first step in building a better society.  In the absence of faith hedonism rules.  Where hedonism rules, society crumbles.

God bless
